What does it mean by YouTube advertising, For some people it’s among the world’s biggest platforms for advertisers. And this is right so, because YouTube is the second-biggest search engine after Google, which have 1.9 billion monthly active users. People watch 5 billion videos on YouTube every day and in fact, 300 hours of video are uploaded every minute on YouTube. If you are not having a strong advertising presence on YouTube, you’re possibly leaving a lot of money on the table.
You know what; you can set yourself apart from 90 percent of other businesses simply by getting started marketing on YouTube. This might not even surprise you, Right. 

YouTube is the leading service that allows you to easily put videos online, and if your marketing strategy does not have a video component tied with it, and then there are solid chances that your visibility and business growth potential will suffer. Video should become a critical piece of the marketing strategy.

If you are using Google AdWords for getting leads and drive more sales, you most probably have noticed the increased competition for many of the keywords over the last few years. And consequently it became more expensive to run a traditional AdWords campaign. Fortunately, Google AdWords for video is here for you and it has a HUGE opportunity because there you’ll often find much cheaper keyword costs and less competition.

Costs can vary greatly according to your industry and keyword focus, but on average, it is about Rs. 0.70/click. But, today when many other companies knowing this, it is becoming harder to stand out amongst the competition. This is why you need to spend your marketing budget on services like YouTube so that you can gain visibility from your target audience. But spend your YouTube ad budget in a smart way to actually gain attention from the people that matter the most.

Let us explore the increasing scope of YouTube Advertising with some Important Statistics:
·        9 billion logged-in users visit YouTube every month
·        96 percent of 18- to 24-year-old internet users use YouTube
·        YouTube is the 2nd most-visited website in existence
·        YouTube is the top IOS app of 2018
·        YouTube reaches more American 18- to 34-year-olds than any TV network
·        The top ten YouTube stars earned 42 percent more money in 2019
·        People have watched 50,000 years of product review videos
·        Since 2016, twice as many small- and medium-sized businesses are advertising on YouTube
·        YouTube mobile ads receive viewer attention 83 percent of the time
Before going on a discussion of Google AdWords for Video, let me first elucidate about the advantages of using YouTube Marketing:
Advantages of YouTube Marketing:
1.     Generate High Traffic Volumes: YouTube reaches billions of people in multiple countries around the globe and that is accessible anywhere on a multitude of devices. So the promise of generating high traffic is definitely plausible in YouTube Marketing.
2.     Gain ROI from multiple Video Marketing Channels: 78% of marketers say video gives them a good ROI plus the intuitive algorithm of YouTube helps boost your viewers by suggesting your video to the viewers who are watching related video/content. 
3.     Experiment with Viral Marketing: Viral marketing is the strategy where you make your audience to spread information about your products or services. Fortunately, you can use your YouTube content in many ways that can spark your shares in order to make it Viral.
4.     Boost Search Engine Ranking: By using the right tactics, you will be able to drive a lot of traffic to your videos or on your channel and ultimately to your website. Moreover, growing interest in Video encourages Google to rank higher the Websites having Video Contents.
5.     Integrate with your Social Media Marketing: Social media users prefer sharing video content more, over any other content format. And the video increases the popularity so the chances are better that associated links get clicked and help you grow your online business presence.
6.     Reach Global Audiences: YouTube has become an international sensation over the years by reaching countries around the globe. People can access it anywhere and on almost every device. And the shift towards mobile use is also boosting the popularity of Youtube Platform even more. 

Let us Explore about Google AdWords for YouTube Video.

Overview – Google AdWords for Video:
AdWords for video allows you to display video ads in either the YouTube search results or before/during/after videos on YouTube. Moreover, it enables you to show the ads on the Google Display Network. With AdWords for video, advertisers can use demographic targeting more efficiently to reach to more relevant audience. The targeting options are although basic but still, they are useful. This is one of the biggest advantages of using AdWords for video, as you have more control over who sees your advertisement.

Types of Video Ads on YouTube: The Google TrueView –
Google TrueView videos are called TrueView because it charges you only when a user actually views your video and the biggest strength of TrueView is the feedback provided to advertisers. For example, you can get the information like, Who are the users? Where are they coming from? And most importantly, are they watching the video or not? The video marketers can interpret this data for making better-informed keyword targeting decisions. If you review this data on a daily or weekly basis, you will significantly decrease your cost per view over time.
The three formats are there in the TrueView videos which are as follows:
·        in-stream
·        in-search
·        in-display.
Each works a bit differently, and those differences are just because of the influence that how people come into contact with your ad and what they must do to access it.

In-Stream Video Ads: The In- Stream Video Ads are the ones which play at the beginning, middle, or end of YouTube Partner Videos. Viewers have an option to skip the in stream video ad after 5 seconds. The advertiser will be charged only if the ad reaches the 30-second mark if the video ad is 30 seconds or longer, in case of shorter ads, they will be charged only if the entire video runs.

In-Search Video Ads: These are the ads which are displayed in search results when someone searches for specific keyword. These videos don’t get played until someone selects or clicks the video. Advertisers get charged once the user clicks to play the video. Please see in the following image:

In-Display Video Ads: In – display ads are the ads which appear next to other videos on the YouTube Watch page and are labeled as an Ad. Again here you will be charged once the user clicks to play the video.

Please Note: A single advertisement may appear in any number of formats and places that allows you to test which format works best for your product, business, or service.

How to Make an Impressive Video Ad:
The videos which provide a real value to the viewer are the ones that perform best. Let’s take an example of cake if you love to eat cake then what will you most probably like to watch, a video which make you learn how to bake a cake or the one which is selling the cake. Of course the former one right, So learning videos of “how to” are more significant. With the engaging how-to videos, you can generate customer goodwill and increase YouTube subscriber base also. Moreover, “How-to video” ads can be created for any product or service, it is basically based on what is your audience interested in learning about? Let us discuss some important tips and tricks to make an impressive video Ad.

Keep it Shorter:
Humans get bored easily and you need to face it. With passage of time our attention spans are growing shorter and consequently you should use shorter videos which tend to perform better. Short videos are those which are no longer than 60-90 seconds. This is especially the case with in-stream video ads where users have the option of skipping the ad before watching the video.

Focus your Video to the Targeting Keywords:
If you are not able to show your content to the right audience, then you shouldn’t even bother creating an Ad. You can produce the greatest video but if it’s not relevant to the user then they are not even going to click it. That means you need to be focused with your keywords. Moreover, you should constantly testing and removing keywords that are not performing. One important way to make sure your video is relevant is to create unique videos for every keyword groups.

For example, let’s suppose you own a website where you teach the PPC
Experts about how to create an effective Google AdWords campaign. A viewer searches on YouTube with the phrase “How to Create Google AdWords Campaign” and another one searches for “Google AdWords Courses”. To provide the most value, the former user should be shown an ad that provides the tips to pique their interest. In this case, the CTA can direct them to your website or your YouTube channel for learning more.
Testimonials are powerful. If you have them, then hold tightly. People can be suspicious in case you are speaking about your own company or product in an Ad. But when another person is recommending a product, it carries definitely more weight. There are many ways to leverage customer testimonials in a video. Either you could conduct video interviews and use these clips as the focus of your ad. Additionally you can take customer quotes and surface the text in your video to reinforce their message or you can even create a customer logo wall and to display it in your video.
Provide Purposeful and Consistent Message:
You should clearly define before initiating the creative process the things like: who really is your audience on YouTube and what are they interested in watching? Don’t let the creative process control the type of video you produce but your customer profile should control your video type.
Moreover, Your video should be humorous enough so that your target audience will relate to the content. But make sure that your video and landing page messaging to be in sync. If ad messaging on landing page and video is consistent then you are much more likely to generate a positive ROI.

Make Use of Existing Content:
There is no need to reinvent a new topic or reproduce a video, but you can repurpose your existing marketing content as well. For instance, you can use the presentation or a video of a conference where you spoke recently in the form of an educational video that teaches the audience about something they would like to learn. Sometimes, you could also compile your best customer case studies and create a video that tells the story.

Final Words:
Today video has taken over the web, and Google AdWords for video is a very innovative way to attract customers. YouTube itself is responsible for attracting a huge amount of web traffic. While the audience is large but there is comparatively less competition because many marketers have been slow to adopt the online video campaigns. And this is a great opportunity for the marketers who are willing to invest in video content. And if you have already used Google AdWords then getting up and running with an AdWords video campaign will surprisingly simple and beneficial for you.


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